6502 Advanced Tips
From 8BitDev.org - Atari 7800 Development Wiki
jump table instead of comparison branch chains
When you need to choose between 4 or more destinations, it's more efficient to use a jump table instead of a sequence of CMP and BEQ. Here's a jump table example that uses RTS instead of JMP (ADDRESS) to save even more ROM and cycles...
LDX FunctionIndex LDA FunctionJumptablehi,x PHA LDA FunctionJumptablelo,x PHA RTS FunctionJumptablehi .byte >(ClearRam-1) .byte >(SetRam-1) .byte >(MemCpy-1) .byte >(MemCmp-1) FunctionJumptablelo .byte <(ClearRam-1) .byte <(SetRam-1) .byte <(MemCpy-1) .byte <(MemCmp-1)
fast range test
For all of these we assume that the byte to be tested is in A and that the start and end values, n and m, are already defined. Also that 0 < n < m < $FF.
If you don't need to preserve the byte in A then testing the byte can be done in five bytes and only six cycles. This sets the carry if A is in the range n to m.
CLC ; clear carry for add ADC #$FF-m ; make m = $FF ADC #m-n+1 ; carry set if in range n to m
Courtesy Lee Davidson. [1]