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From - Atari 7800 Development Wiki
Revision as of 06:44, 23 December 2015 by MSaarna (talk | contribs) (Welcome)
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Welcome to the Atari 7800 Development wiki! This site aims to be the definitive source for accurate and up-to-date information on programming for the Atari 7800 console.

You can begin by checking out one of the links presented in the next section, or you may use the wiki search function to quickly find information on a specific topic. If you have information to share that isn't covered, please consider joining and contributing to the wiki.

Wiki Sections

The 7800 Software Guide
An updated version of the documentation originally produced by Atari and GCC. Several inaccuracies have been discovered and corrected, and new sections have been added.

A quick way to get started with programming the 7800 using assembly language. All the tools you need to create a game, cross-platform and available for multiple OSes.

A quick way to get started with programming the 7800 using a higher level language. 7800basic is a compiled language, designed for efficiency.

7800 Tutorials and Guides
Covers more advanced 7800 topics.

Emulators and Tools
Covers information on tools useful to the 7800 developer.

Site News

A new wiki is born. Please look around, and consider contributing!