Tune2600 Introduction

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Tune2600 is a utility for finding optimum TIA note frequencies, created by Thomas Jentzsch. When provided a list of notes used in your composition, Tune2600 will return corresponding TIA notes that are transposed so they are most in-tune.

Tune2600 is a DOS command-line utility, and notes are provided with a command-line argument.

The /n parameter defines the notes. The format is {Note[#]Octave} or i.e. c4d4f#4e5. You may enter up to 32 notes.

The /f parameter defines how much the frequency of the result may vary from the input notes. A value of 100 equals one octave.

With /d you can change the maximum variation of the difference between two notes. The normal difference between two half notes is 2^(1/12)-1 (~6%). You shouldn't use to high values here (<10), or the result might not sound good.

The /s parameter activates an additional step, which sometimes might improve the results. But this is very slow, especially if you enter a lot of notes.



Tune2600 was ported to a web application by Kirk Isreal, and dubbed WebTune2600. To use WebTune2600 you select the notes you wish to use in your composition, and hit the "Calculate Matching 2600 Values" button.